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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

January Patron Expectations!

Greetings everyone! I was hoping to get this done earlier, though I suppose it only feels early. School vacation is when us IT guys take apart the internet! January is coming up and with it the start of our increased, changed, and more viable Patron rewards. We have been talking about it for almost a month now, and changed the Patreon page a couple weeks ago. In case you missed that or wanted a little more information of what we are giving you in January, you came to the right place!

Get Stuff Early
This is an easy one, since we have been doing it for months. Become a Patron for $1 or more a month and you get Cracks of the Rift and the Untamed Rant 2 weeks before everyone else. Patrons will have noticed that there was no Cracks chapter this month, and those who are not shouldn't expect one January 1st. December, as I am sure you all agree, is a very busy time for everyone and the Scribe just couldn't get it done. No sense rushing something bad out to you, right? But you still have time to catch up and become a Patron to catch the next chapter on January 15th instead of in February.

The Rant comes out for Patrons on the 1st of the month, so if you want our big end of the year episode you should definitely pledge today. We're going to share our 5 favorite resources, talk about all the games we have played this year, and go over how everything's progressed on our part this year. Of course you can always wait till the 15th to catch that episode too.

Dice Giveaways
January marks the start of our monthly giveaways. To start we will be picking one Patron every month to send a set of dice to. This giveaway is entered by everyone at the $1 level or higher. Right now we don't have many so your chances of winning an extra set of dice is pretty high! The more Patrons we get the better and more frequent those giveaways become.

Session Episodes
Are you interested in hearing full sessions in one episode instead of being broken down into around three? How about getting to hear the full session when everyone else only gets to listen to part one? Well, if you pledge $3 or more monthly, that is exactly one of the special benefits you get. Whenever a new session begins, you the Patrons will get the entire session uploaded to Patreon while everyone else listens to the first part on the apps!

I almost forgot to add this! We will also be sharing drafts of the stuff we are working on. This means the Cowboy Cop class, some archetypes, and PDF formats for the home brew stuff. A few projects are in the works now, so i can safely say that January will get you some (5-10?) levels in the Cowboy Cop class with at least 2 (maybe 3?) archetypes!

And The Rest...
Of course everyone who pledges $1 or more gets a few other things. Shout outs here and on Untamed Dice is one of them, because we cannot tell you how much helping us out means. Then you first timers will get a welcome package. This package will currently contain a couple of Notes of the Wandering Alchemist silicone wristbands, but we hope to continue adding to that package. On the list for included thank you items are buttons, patches, and stickers. Become a Patron and help us get those, and have some input on what we should get next. And don't worry, we will work out a plan to get new items to non-new Patrons as they come along!

TL;DR - Thanks for reading the blog and listening to our podcasts. We would love your support and one of the ways is by pledging on Patreon. We even reward you for it!

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