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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Things are happening!

This past year, things have been a wild ride between work, classes, projects, this site, and our Podcast. In fact, a year ago we didn't even have a podcast. Nor did we have a Patreon or a logo. The DM's Guild was not yet a thing either. Look how things have changed! I plan on doing a looking back post right before the New Year, so for now let's just take a look at the things that have happened in the last few weeks.

Untamed Dice
Serious effort has gone into bring Untamed Dice back, though it has changed from what it was. In the year since we began the show, we have learned a lot. I, especially, have figured out many things regarding running games for a show and, of course, am still learning. Brave New Worlds was our premier main-stay but, as you know, summer made everything difficult and our group has been unable to get together for that. While I hope we can rectify the BNW situation, we have brought to you Luxarrah. This campaign features the current world BNW was taking place on and the 5th Edition D&D rule set. The group is different, but we have an easier time getting together for that. As a result, it is our new/current weekly series. You can find the first episode here, and the second comes out this Saturday!

In addition, we made sure to get to work on one-shot adventures we have promised. First, this meant getting out the end of Star Wars Edge of the Empire (playlist here). Then we recorded Cat, which will be out soon and accompanied by a review of the game. We put another game in the pipeline before beginning our regular release, and that was TMNT and Other Strangeness. Now, with those one-shot all recorded and done we have the next in line with a D&D 5E Legend of Zelda game. My hope is to record and release 1 one-shot each month alongside Luxarrah, starting in January with Cat. As things progress I'll have a more detailed schedule for that!

Part of me always feels bad continuously plugging our own Patreon page, but your support would not only mean the world to us, it would also help us do a lot more and move forward with our idea, plans, and upgrades. We have been working on making the Patreon more about you, our supporters. You can get more details here, but we are focusing on giving all our Patrons as much as we are able. This includes shout outs, early looks at releases, and giveaways. As we get more of you, and thus more support, we will work towards improving the blog and podcast, as well as having more to give to you as thanks!

Publishing Projects
I have been hard at work on a number of projects, but few of them at the moment deal with the DMs Guild. That is a turn from what I had anticipated and planned, but quite ok. Nevertheless, I recently released Spells of Old Volume 3 there with 13 spells from the Libris Mortis. Next will be spells from the Planar Handbook and hopefully an adventure down the line.

There are two other major projects I have been working on that I hope to better share with you in more methods than just the DMs Guild. Portions and previews will be available here and even more complete (and play-test-y) versions to all $3+ Patrons. The first of these projects is the Cowboy Cop class. Inspired by the movies and shows that created the trope, we already have a number of ideas for a special mechanic, as well as three different archetypes to choose from. You should definitely keep your eyes out for more on that soon.

The other major project is one I am working on with the artist who designed our logos. While I cannot yet reveal too much information, I can tell you that a lot will come soon. We have the first steps complete, the first release nearly ready for play test, and a plan formulating for development and release. Because we are getting that done, we hope to have a site and Twitter handle for that project soon to spread the word. As soon as that is a go, I will be sure to link it here at Notes of the Wandering Alchemist.

DM Support Group!!
Finally, I have some great news! For the past few months a group of folks from the D&D community on Twitter have been talking via Slack in a group called the DM Support Group. All of us are DMs of varying strengths, backgrounds, and playing histories. There we discuss mechanics, ideas, resources, and more. As the weeks go on, more and more people join the group and discussions can be quite in depth. Well, this week it just got even better! Thanks to Loraedor, who started the group, we have a new born website. There are already a number of links to members' websites and a growing list of those who will be contributing articles. You can find more about it all right here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to sharing! When you check out the work on the DMs Guild let me know what you think. I would greatly appreciate input.
