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Old Gods of Atlazan

The Watcher In The Wilds

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral
Domains.  Nature
Portfolio.  Agriculture, Fertility, Beasts
Symbol.  Cornucopia with a pair of antlers amidst the fruit
Favored Weapon. Spear

Cernunnos represents the past of Atlazan’s people, a time when the Atlazi lived in a lesser form of civilization.  Hunting and foraging were as common as agriculture, people at one with the land around them.  Today the Watcher is the only piece of rationality left within the wild lands of Atlazan.  He is what the beastmen could be worshiping.  He is the master of beasts and enemy of those who would defile nature, be it in demonic magics or in civilized exploitation.  Farmers and hunters are commonly his followers, understanding the balance that is needed to be successful and the often overlooked reliance on the wilds by civilized people.

The Rushing Tide

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Chaotic Neutral
Domains.  Nature, Tempest, Ocean
Portfolio.  Tides, Ocean, Sea Monsters
Symbol.  A wave breaking upon a stone
Favored Weapon.  Warhammer

Ceto is the unending and unrelenting water of the ocean; he is the Rushing Tide.  Early in the days of the Atlazi, even the most primitive groups, the ways of the world and the constants of nature were known and respected.  The tides of the sea was one of these processes.  Ceto is that tide.  He represents the potential of the ocean’s bounty and the danger if it turns against you.  The people of Atlazan have always prayed for safe travel and good fishing.  While the kala’kai worship Mo’i, and this worship has spread, those of old seafaring families (especially aeq’or) still hold Ceto has the one who holds lordship over the outcome of a voyage.

The Two-Faced

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Chaotic Neutral
Domains.  Trickery, Shadow
Portfolio.  Magic, Trickery, Poison, Shapshifting, Duality
Symbol.  Six-pointed star
Favored Weapon.  Whip

Circe is, perhaps, one of the more confusing gods that the people of Atlazan worship.  It has always been this way, though.  Many believe Circe to be evil, and many of her followers are, but the church today is dedicated to the dualities of life.  The goddess is one of illusion and trickery, wielding magic and charm alike to get what she desires.  It is said that she has and will lie, cheat, and deceive her way to what she wants.  What she wants, however, is truth.  It is unknown which truths she strives for and why, but she is willing to be as kind, or as brutal, as needs be.  Some of the darker cities of Atlazan utilize her followers amongst the guard or militia to gain confessions.  However, the opposite extremes of this religion and its followers, and their tactics, sometimes raises the question of whether or not those confessions are truth themselves.  Just never tell her followers that.

The Keeper of Tombs

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Lawful Evil
Domains.  Death
Portfolio.  The Dead, Death, Underworld
Symbol.  Headstone chained to the ground
Favored Weapon.  Scythe

The Keeper of Tombs is another representative of the most ancient of concepts, this time death.  It is widely believed that Hades is not just the embodiment of death but the keeper of souls.  Most believe that it is, and always has been, his job to maintain the barrier between the worlds of the living and the dead.  Over the centuries, the people of Atlazan have learned various pieces of information regarding the planes, and know (or maintain faith) that not all souls remain or even make it to the Underworld.  Some are fodder for demon armies, others bound to diabolic service, but those who commit themselves to a god or path may find themselves lifted from the grey wastes of the the Keeper’s realm.  Despite all this, some wonder why Hades allows ghosts and spirits to walk the land.  Some even claim lack of faith over the centuries led to his abandonment of those souls.

Lady Of The Threshold

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral Evil
Domains.  Trickery, Life, Death
Portfolio.  Ghosts, Witchcraft, Tombs, Renewal
Symbol.  A gravestone with a hole in which hangs a bell
Favored Weapon.  Dagger

Hecate is not worshiped in modern times so much as taken notice of.  There is no formal church to the goddess, and her followers form cults in secret.  Most of her followers are found within the wandering families of kolibri.  Much of what she has represented in the past has been replaced with the more balanced Kosneuma.  Today, Hecate holds domain over the Threshold.  This is not so much a place or time, but more of a state of being.  The Threshold can be a literal doorway but takes upon itself that state only as someone is passing through.  The Threshold represents a transition or change, and Hecate rules over that moment.  As a result she is associated with luck (good and bad), unquiet spirits, renewal of nature, and witchcraft.  Superstitious people, especially kolibri, can be found hesitating in doorway or at certain moments to whisper a prayer to Hecate in order to obtain favor on the other side.

The Guiding Light

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral Good
Domains.  Knowledge
Portfolio.  Wisdom, Knowledge, Overcoming Obstacles
Symbol.  A key whose bow is in the form of an elephant’s head
Favored Weapon.  Flail

There are plenty of deities who have been forgotten since the days of the Atlazi, and even the Atali, but very few of those have managed to survive.  Ganesha is one of those, still known and worshipped by the people of the Pachyron Empire.  On Atlazan he is completely unknown, but those of the Empire know him to be a representation of perfection.  Ganesha has achieved enlightenment and knows both wisdom and intellect, able to combine them to solve any problem in the best way possible.  Even the warriors of these people hold him in the highest regard, despite his tendency towards peaceful solutions.  This is because of his role of an overcomer of obstacles, no matter how tough, and that aspect has guided the long line of Empresses leading the Pachyron Empire.

Daughter of War

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Lawful Neutral
Domains.  War, Life, Nature
Portfolio.  Fertility, Midwives, Cures, War
Symbol.  Three holy berries centered upon a star of five holy leaves
Favored Weapon.  Mace

Ix Chel is an interesting individual among the Old Gods.  None of the civilized races worship her, and few even know of her.  Those who do are scholars and archeologists who seek to understand the past of Atlazan.  Ix Chel was the daughter of Nemain, original goddess of war, and sister-wife of Xipe Totec before he became a Demon Lord.  It is believed that she represented the women of war.  This includes not just the fighters, or even healers, of war but also of those wives left at home.  She had knowledge of cures and helped midwives succeed in their job.  It is unknown whether or not Ix Chel died and there are a few tales of what happened.  One tells of how she began to look down upon her husband’s bloodthirst as it got too strong and his descent into a demon was fulfilled with her murder at his hands.  Other stories tell a sadder tale of the Demon Lord Melusine, blaming Ix Chel for her circumstances, brutally murdering her and some of her children.  In a rage, Xipe Totec promised to destroy Melusine, but the cost of such power was becoming a Demon Lord himself and he has yet to defeat her.

The Architect

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Lawful Neutral
Domains.  Light, Life, Community
Portfolio.  The Sun, Arts, Crafts, Creativity
Symbol. Hammer and ax crossed in front of a sun
Favored Weapon.  Maul

Lugh is one of the most heavily worshipped of the Old Gods in his position as the Architect.  As much as historians agree that the majority of civilized advancements on Atlazan were the result of the Kairelleans, the birth of civilized life had already happened.  This continues to be attributed the the god Lugh.  Originally representing the sun and safe light of dawn, he quickly became a representative of civilized life and the advancement of communities.  At some point craftsmanship and the arts were looped into that.  Today leaders of the community often worship or pay homage to the Architect.  Artists and craftsman pay thanks to him for success and pray for his guidance after failure.


Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral Good
Domains.  Life, Light
Portfolio.  Family, Home, Hearth, FIre, Growth
Symbol.  A fire burning within a hearth
Favored Weapon.  Short sword

Maia is said to have given fire to the Atlazi so that they could settle down and create permanent homes.  She is lovingly talked of, but there is little worship of her in major settlements.  However, in the small villages out in the wilds, each home has a small shrine to the Grandmother where they set offerings.  In return she helps protect the home and family while hunters and trappers are away.  It is common practice to have a hearth which has a small window to allow the light to be seen from outside.  This hearth is kept lit, day and night, while family members are away so that they have a light to guide them home and fire from which to warm when they arrive.  It is said that this hearth allows Maia access to the home in times of exceptional need.

The Blind Crone

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral
Domains.  Divinaion, Knowledge
Portfolio.  Fear, Portents, War, Crows
Symbol.  A crow standing upon a skull
Favored Weapon.  Sickle

Morrigan is the goddess of prophets, diviners, and oracles.  They say that, long ago, Morrigan did still have her sight.  When the events of the future become clouded, varied, and bloody she put all her power into improving her power.  After all other ideas had been exhausted, the Crone cut out her own eyes.  These granted her insight, but to truly understand what would happen she fed her eyes to a great crow which she then killed and gutted, reading the entrails for any additional signs.  What she saw is unknown, but some say it was the Kairellian occupation of Atlazan.  Others claim it was the turning of Xipe Totec into a Demon Lord, and still others claim she saw some other, even worse, event that has not yet happened.  Most people looks to her for insight and guidance, or portents of war, but her most dedicated cults are led by women who imitate her ritual.  These fanatics seek only to understand and prepare for the worst, but are incredibly dangerous.

Son of Winter

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Lawful Good
Domains.  Nature, Order, Life
Portfolio.  Hunting, Balance, Lone-life, Bears
Symbol.  Bear’s paw print
Favored Weapon.  Bow

The rybarik, perhaps, understand Nanook better than any other race on Atlazan, even more than the bjorngar.  Once these bear-folk worshipped Nanook, or so the rybarik claim, before the rise of the Demon Lord Melusine.  It is known that she quickly took the wandering wendigo, demons made from the desperate cannibals who got stuck in blizzards, who were worshiped by the gnoph-keh.  These great bear-like monstrosities enslaved the bjorngar who now worship Melusine of their own accord.  What the Son of Winter once represented is lost to time, but he is now the avatar of a lone-life and the hunters who roam the northlands.  Most races do not trust or like Nanook, because of his bear aspect but his desire to maintain the natural order leads to a grudging respect at the very least.

The Bloody Handed

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Neutral Evil
Domains.  War, Death
Portfolio.  Death, War, Wrath, Vengeance
Symbol.  A blood soaked hand holding a dagger
Favored Weapon.  Bastard sword

Nemain was born of conflict and hatred, granting her power to reap vengeance upon those who wrong another.  Over the centuries has blood feuds moved from individuals to families to realms and to whole races, Nemain has only become more powerful over time.  She helped lead the Atali against the Kairelleans and when Ix Chel and Xipe Totec were lost, she fully took up the mantel of war leading the people against the Demon Lords.   Despite Nemain’s siding with all civilized people, she holds no sides in their quarrels and is willing to take part in today’s disputes.  As she grants both sides power for vengeance against questionable historical events, she gains her own power, hoping to spark another war in which to bloody her hands.

The Coming Change

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Chaotic Neutral
Domains.  Trickery, Darkness
Portfolio.  Moon, Night, Darkness, Shadow
Symbol.  Silhouette of a bat or owl in front of a full moon
Favored Weapon.  Longsword

Nyx is the night sky and the moon in it.  She is the constant change of things, the inevitable development of one thing into another.  The Coming Change is neither good, nor evil, but it is unpredictable.  While Nyx represents change in the form of the moon, she does not make any predictions or see into the future.  Like the moon things are always changing, always repeating, never quite constant.  Knowing this she hides in the shadows and is known for trickery, watching and adapting.  Her followers range from thieves to astrologers to those who live in the now.  Her symbol is that of the full moon and the silhouette of either an owl or a bat, creatures of the night.  It is, more often than not, the bat; a representation of the change that her church sees coming.  It is said that the beastmen were once peaceful and that one day they will be again.  The bat, a flying mammal that hides in the darkness of night, is representative of the change towards escaping the Demon Lords.  The members of the Great Avian Alliance claim the wings represent the mammal’s desire to move towards the civilized life of the feathered folk.

The Terror Below

Type.  Old God
Alignment.  Chaotic Evil
Domains.  Tempest, Ocean, Terror
Portfolio.  Sea, Storms, Fear, Terror
Symbol.   A kraken holding two halves of a broken ship
Favored Weapon.  Trident

 One of the more frightening deities of Atlazan.  Only pirates and the treacherous races of the deep still worship this being.  Uath has always represented the darkest dangers of the ocean.  While the people prayed to Ceto for good weather and a decent haul, they begged Uath to spare them.  It is Uath who controls the worst of the storms and his worshippers who climb aboard fishing ships to kill and pillage.  The more people who worship Ceto, the angier Uath gets and Mo’i angers him beyond anything else.  People no longer fear the nature of the ocean but respect the entity that the kala’kai brought to Atlazan.  Uath is now spoken of in hushed words and dark curses, no less feared, but the Terror Below wishes to witness that fear.

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