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The Corvids

Corvids are an industrious and eccentric lot.  Visiting a corvid settlement is never a dull experience.  There is always something happening.  Strange and new or old but unique, always expect to be surprised among the corvus.  Where the Temtektaggre Empire has made a business of technology and alchemy, the corvus can be said to have made an art of it.  You may enter a corvus shop seeking a specific item only to find it does not work the way your last one did, and certainly doesn’t look the same.  But, should it not blow you up, anything made by a corvid will work wonderfully.

Eccentric Bearing
Ideas are easy to come by among the corvids, but getting them to focus on one is much less so.  To those unfamiliar with their ways, a corvid looks haphazard and distracted.  Really though, they are exploring that which they have had an idea and are not only likely to go right back to something else, you would never know they had paused in the first place.
This ability becomes most apparent when speaking to a corvid in a group or while he is working.  If you are lucky it will only happen between sentences, but there is no guarantee.  Mid-conversation, he will pause ever-so-briefly and pick up on a subject or discussion completely unrelated, at least to you.  Minutes later he will go right back to the next sentence of the other topic.  At first it is confusing and you may feel the corvid is 5 steps ahead of you, but really he’s just zig-zagging left and right of you.

Constant Experimentation
There are two types of corvids, those which tinker and those which, well, tinker.  It is tough to give the latter a different name.  The first means exactly what most think.  Dawnchasers are the most industrious corvids in the literal sense of the term.  Never without tools, they are up early and always working.  When they aren’t working they are thinking of work.  Often they have little toys or devices they are working on, something to distract their hands when they aren’t actually working.
Duskwallkers, on the other hand, work on more esoteric subject matter.  Arcana and spell work are their purview.  Always lost in thought and moving their hands around, it is as if they can see the spell workbook in their heads.  One of their favorite classes of spells are the illusions, and the duskwalker corvids will often hold competitions on new ways to use average spells.  Ever are they looking for novel, and often-as-not forgotten, uses for spells they all know.

Prone To Be Pranksters
Part of the life of a corvid is the constant desire to play practical jokes.  It is not so much a need to trick others or revel in their embarrassment.  The practical joke is the naturally produced result of the distracted and tinkering lifestyle they hold.  It is a way to test minor tweaks that for the basis of larger projects.  It is a form of competition that drives them to beat rivals in jokes, which leads to interesting ways of thinking.  Pranks are seen as something to be learned from whether you are the giving or receiving end and discussions will often ensue about insights and inspiration while one corvid’s feathers are still green and the other is entangled.

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