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The Kolibri

The kolibri are one of the friendliest people of Atlazan.  Always moving, always meeting new people they can appear hyperactive to some.  Voracious eaters and drinkers, kolibri tend to burn through a full stomach or good buzz a bit quicker than others.  As a result they host the best parties.  Course after course of different foods and games in between, many involving drink.  It is not uncommon for a band of kolibri to come to a town one day, begin a town-wide festival for no reason at all and be up and gone before anyone else has gotten over their hangover.

Gastronomes And Connoisseurs
The high metabolism and small body of the kolibri lead them to eat many meals throughout the day.  They relish each and every meal, seeking to sit and enjoy each refueling session.  Never wanting to be bored, it is common for even a traveling kolibri to carry a wide variety of foods to chose from, and whenever in town they will sample the local fare in abundance.
To think the same doesn’t go for drinking would be a mistake.  When it comes to drink no taste is too bitter or too sweet for the kolibri.  Their travels and experiences leave most of these feathered-folk to be self-proclaimed experts of food and drink, and rightly so.  But a kolibri would be rude to put down a meal or leave it unfinished, always eating every last bite they took and complimenting each unique character of the meal to the chef.

Curious Wanderers
The kolibri are almost always on the move.  Few settlements exist that are permanent and virtually none of them are dominated by the small people.  Kolibri travel in bands of friend and family, sticking together for years at a time.  Together they seek new sights and new experiences.  A band doesn’t stay in one spot for too long and is always to pull up stakes and set off again.
Every few years or so a band breaks up, at least in part.  Generally speaking it is not due to any conflict within the group but to be with new people they have met and get viewpoints they may have not had before.  Pieces of a band will almost always stay together, however.  Young families, couples, and close friends will travel from place to place and from band to band reveling in what the world has to offer.

Superstitious And Reactionary
Perhaps one of the more interesting features of so worldly a people is their deep-rooted superstitions.  Despite everything they see, they often have some symbolic gesture, word, or story about a situation.  No explanation can fully sway the kolibri, being just a part of a picture that includes the generations “proven” superstitions.
Part of this nature, combined with the fast-paced lives of kolibri, lead them to be a quite reactionary people.  Grudges are made quickly and hard to break.  Friendships form instantly and last forever.  A kolibri almost never thinks twice about their opinion, reaction, or action.  It can be troublesome for some, but the kolibri tend not to remain in a situation where it would be.  Nevertheless, first impressions are important and changing a kolibri’s mind takes a great effort and often close friendship.

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