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The Tellura

The Rae-atal prided themselves on their relationship with the great Heroes and Liege Wyrms of the Second Atlazi Empire and it is the tellura who are believed to be the most direct descendants from these, supposedly original, feathered-folk.  The tellura are certainly an ancient people, and their long lives have aided in their ability to preserve their strong an independant culture.  It has also allowed them to become the political, military, and religious leaders of the Great Avian Alliance.  While dominating these positions the regal people are not disliked by the other feathered-folk for it, granting their abilities in such areas.

Ancient Memories
The tellura are probably the only people left to Atlazan, save perhaps Temtek himself, who could speak of the Fifth and Sixth Coils without the dilution of generations of retelling and the translation of lost manuscripts.  While none remain who lived during these periods, there are still a few children of those who did and a great deal of grandchildren alive today.  These have heard the stories of the Age of Compromise and the Age of Strife, not as passed down, but second hand from their parents and grandparents.
Verbal stories are only verified by the extensive record keeping of the telluran people.  The great cities of the Alliance all have vast, beautiful libraries in which lie stacks and stacks of books, scrolls, and records.  The main problem with this is the ability to clean anything from them.  So meticulous have the tellura been, that there is perhaps too much information.  Additionally, it takes someone experienced with the library you seek information from to even begin to find useful sources for a subject matter.

Disciplined Visionaries
No other race of the Alliance exemplifies discipline like the tellura do.  While the rybarik train every day and the archeons have taken meditation to another level, the tellura a rigid in the way they navigate their lives.  The armies of the Alliance are the most regimented and strongly trained when lef by telluran generals.  Organizations and businesses prosper under the careful and watchful eye of telluran leaders.
That is not to say, though, that the tellura are unbending.  On the contrary, their long lives grant them insight to the inevitable and ever-changing ways of life on Atlazan.  They are prepared to adapt and see discipline as a method of creating order in this chaos and readying themselves for that change.  This carries into the religious fervor of the people, as well as their ability to change their life goals.  A tellura may spend a century as a premier banker only to pass leadership to another and take up the sword.

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