Greeting everyone and happy Tuesday. Today I'm going to talk about some of the stuff I am working on right now and what I have noticed around the web. Summers are my busiest time for work, and there is also the added fact that there is actual nice weather to go enjoy. This results in less time. As you have seen I have been unable to post as much because of it, and I probably will continue to have less posts than I would like for much of the Summer. That being said the 4th of July weekend is now long gone, I have had a day of doing virtually nothing to relax, and the superintendent conference I'll be working IT for will be over this week so things should only get easier.
My current projects currently include editing many episodes of audio for you guys and getting a bit better at doing that. I was informed that the episodes were quiet and given a quick tip on making sure they are at a good volume. Hint: compare to a YouTube video on the same device / headphones. That was taken into account for the last episode of Untamed Dice and hopefully is a little better for some of you when going from our podcast to something else. Despite time being short we do have plenty of stuff recorded and should be getting more in soon too, so you don't have to worry about that. While they released on Friday, below is the new episode and the preview for the latest D&Donuts for those who listen here.
I am still working on Spells of Old Volume 3, though my timeline on that is a jumbled mess at this point and for that I apologize. However, I did get to chat with my friend and we are begging the process of developing our project and a format for me to begin sharing some of mine as well! Additionally, this site has some much needed updates that need to happen. Probably 5-6 weeks of audio, re-skinning articles, and resources articles have not been linked to their respective pages. Those updates will be coming over the week, not to worry.
Outside of my blog there is still plenty of stuff going on, of course. In addition to a handful of great looking items showing up on the DMs Guild that I need to check out, there are a number of Kickstarters that have products coming in. Of note are the worlds of Cypher System and the Savage Rifts. Personally I have received my Gods of the Fall book and love it. I am really excited to try out the system using that book. I have also gotten the pdf for the Savage Rifts player's book and am excited to work some of those rules and features into Brave New Worlds. For those of you who never backed these projects you should check them out and maybe buy / pre-order! And if you are looking for a project to back head over here and help out with a system neutral card mechanic to aid in the role-playing of you group!
The final thing I wanted to mention, in case you somehow missed it, was the Ennies. Head over to the EN World site and cast you votes for this year's winners. There are a ton of great things on there that you may not even known existed.
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