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Monday, December 14, 2015

Updates to Atlazan

I have updated the information on Atlazan today.  Added was a page for the people of Atlazan which lists the races of the continent that I allowed my players to choose from.  Additionally I included pages for the first two of those races, the aeq'or and the archeons.  These include everything but the mechanical information.  I will get around to adding the 5E stats when I get a chance but I do have to parse out some of the text and make page references.  The races contain some homebrew abilities and some tweaks from PHB races, but others have abilities taken directly from other races.  Some are, in all honesty, almost cut and paste versions of a standard race.  Much of that was done for both my and my player's ease and may change to some extent in the future, but for now the focus remains the world and its people, not the mechanics.

I mentioned that I would be including home brew campaign information twice a month a few weeks ago.  For those interested, this has changed.  Instead, I am going to go ahead an plan on adding something every week (likely on Wednesdays).  That was I can keep a steady flow going without feeling the need to withhold for future installments or the feeling to pack it in because of the alternating weeks.  This will continue for quite a while, as I have plenty to work with so far and plenty I need to get written down anyways.  However, eventually there will come a slow down but by then I hope you'll be learning about my world(s) through other means like Brave New Worlds.

As a note, I have created a twitter account to start adding small updates about whats going on.  Pictures of maps I might be drawing or insights about Brave New Worlds.  There is a feed to the left, but that will probably move down as I move things around again.  Any suggestions on what should appear first along the site's margins are welcome.

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