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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Gods of Old

Today I went ahead and did some more work on the gods and goddesses of Atlazan.  I added over a dozen new deities to the list, all of whom are Old Gods.  The list includes names and working domain/portfolios.  There are also a few symbols, but for the most part these are incomplete.  You may notice that they come from a variety of real world deities and this is no mistake.  The ancient history of Atlazan included many ancient gods, much more than those revealed, and with many different names.  These are just some which survived through various ages, with the names that have remained intact.  These gods and goddesses are still worshiped today, more in the lands of the Alliance.  Soon these will be completed along with the rest of the major Liege Wyrms, Hero Gods, and New Gods.  Then, of course, a more regular and accurate relationship to the 5th Edition rules.  Stay tuned for these developments, and the improved telling of Atlazan's history.

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