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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hero Gods, New Gods, And More Spells of Old

It's Wednesday again everyone, and that means I update you with more information on my homebrew!  Today I continue to add to the gods of Atlazan, and we are getting closer and closer to having all of them up.  It also means I am getting closer to starting to work out much more of the mechanics of the setting and trying to get that out there.  Today I have a couple of Atlazan's new gods and a couple of the hero gods.  Among them are beings of weather, defiance, and nature.  There is the First Paladin and two gods born in the destruction of an ancient and powerful being.

I also want to share with you some updates to the work I am doing for the DM's Guild.  I am continuing to work on the second volume of Paths to Power and hope to have a pay what you want preview soon.  In addition to that I am trying to work out some familiar stats to add to the first Paths to Power.  I am also working on Volume II to Spells of Old featuring spells from the 3rd Edition Draconomicon.  While that didn't happen for the past weekend like I wanted, I did update the first volume with three more spells from the Lords of Madness.  Keep an eye out this weekend for more going up / being updated and check back here next Wednesday for more updates!

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