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Monday, March 21, 2016

Productivity, Stat Blocks, Norms, And Death House

Happy Monday everyone!  This week I have some good stuff for you guys and I am hoping to get some increased productivity out of myself for my DM's Guild products and my campaign setting(s).  Tomorrow I plan on doing another world building article finally.  Wednesday, I will have something to add.  Somewhere.  It all depends on what I get done first, but at the very least I want to throw up some catastrophe chimera fluff pieces as I begin working on their stat blocks for the DM's Guild.  This Thursday I will have another review for you all.  This week it's Death House and I'll go over the session I ran for both new and old players.  I hope that it will also give some insight or tips for running it yourself.  This Friday one of two things will happen.  You may get another episode of Brave New Worlds OR you may get another episode of Alpacalypse Now.  I don't want to hold off too long on that Gamma World game, at least until we get to a decent stopping point in game.  Regardless you will have a new episode of something, that I promise.

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