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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Proofreading-ish, The Third Realm, And More To Come

Hello everyone!  Tonight's update is a quick one as I am in the process of fixing a computer while I do this.  I have posted information on an addition Realm.  This is the 3rd Realm, The Realm on the Brink.  In a world where the End Times threatens the faithful and heretical alike, angels and devils must band together to lead mortals against the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  The description for this one is a bit longer, and I think I want to try and extend the ones I have there already too.  There are also a couple ideas I need to add to the list, but those will have to wait until later.  As promised I proofread the page, but admittedly did so quickly.  I am going to do so again when I have a moment that allows me to concentrate better, not to worry.  Next week check back here for a lot more information on the things to come as we move through our one year anniversary !

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