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Monday, June 13, 2016

Heroes, Dragon Magic, & Great Characters

Good afternoon everyone!  This week I have some more great stuff for you.  To start, some news from the weekend.  Friday, as you know was episode 13 of Brave New Worlds.  The second half of that session will be up next week, but Saturday we got in session 7!  It was a great time and everyone is getting more and more into it.  If nothing else you have that too look forward to!  Additionally, we have hammered out Monster of the Week, our next one-shot for Untamed Dice.  You'll hear more about that Friday.

As for this week, we start off with an article about super heroes tomorrow.  Well, sort of.  It will involve story telling / campaign development and comic books.  You'll see.  Then on Wednesday I have the next DM's Guild item for our big month.  This time is the Spells of Old Volume II featuring 10 converted spells from the 3rd Edition Draconomicon.  Thursday you'll get another extra large Resource that includes more inspirations.  This time, some of my favorite characters.  Finally, Friday will bring you the last episode of the first session of the Edge of the Empire game.  Don't worry though, there is plenty more of that adventure coming!

I also want to take a moment to plug our Patreon.  We are working on getting stuff to add to it.  Whoever signs up this month will have plenty to look forward to come July.  First of all, for all patrons, you will get shout outs and an episode of D&Donuts featuring the development of gods for Untamed Scribes home brew campaign world.  We will talk about how to go about doing it and even make a couple, I'm sure.  For any of you kind enough to donate $3/month you will also get an NPC I have made to use in whatever way you wish, as well as access to PDFs of the characters from Brave New Worlds.  Finally, if you kind enough to donate $5/month you will find out about stuff we are working on and get it before other people.  Right now that means our Pathfinder tales written by Untamed Scribe.  You will get part 1 two weeks earlier than it goes up here!  Oh and we might be working on ordering stickers and wristbands to add to those pledge levels before then too, so keep an eye out!

And thank you all for just being here!

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