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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Print Versions, Dragon Spells, New Patron, And Celebration!

Hello everyone!  It is very late on Wednesday evening, so while I am getting this post out on time, all the things associated with it are not going to come out until tomorrow.  Nevertheless there is a lot in store for you!  If you are reading this early than I thank you for your time!  If you aren't reading this until everything is finished, well thank you too!

This month, you know I plan on doing a ton here at the blog.  You may have noticed we have a new look and a banner made just for us by my friend Zack Keys.  Today I also wanted to tweak some of my social media, but need to edit the files to the right size (tomorrow!).  This is also the first Wednesday of celebration month!  For these days I will be including a lot of new DM's Guild work.

To kick the month off I will be doing a quick read over of the supplements I already have, tweaking what I need to and updating those files  But that's not it!  I will also be including a second black and white file, without background, so that you guys can have a better time printing the supplements.  And I am doing that to all of them!

For each other Wednesday I will be releasing another supplement to the Guild.  Next week will be the preview to Paths to Power Volume 2 and the week after will be Spells of Old Volume 2: Draconomicon.  Stay tuned for the other works as we get deeper into the month!  For now you will just have to sit and wait for the list below to appear (or benefit from visiting the page late) as the Wandering Alchemist supplements get their brand new print versions.

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