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Monday, August 22, 2016

Hello everyone and happy Monday! Today is just a quick post because my list of things to talk about is still my list of things to look into. I can however tell you what is going on around here. A lot of work is getting done in my headspace (with the help of the fine folks on Twitter) about greater details of Luxarrah. Part of this is preparing for the world as a bigger work and D&D world for my group to play in. The other part is in preparation for the next session of Brave New Worlds, which honestly can't come soon enough.

Sadly its still going to be a little while before that happens. Those of you listening to Untamed Dice will just have to continue listening to our Star Wars adventure. I have said it before but I'll say it again. The coming episodes are part of the most fun session of the adventure so get excited! In terms of scheduling I don't have too much more for you, but we are playing Curse of Strahd Saturday and and work is actually beginning to slow. Summer ends soon and school begins. The season of gaming is almost upon us and we're hoping to have a ton for you.

As a final quick note we have something fun coming to you soon. I may have mentioned it here, but in case I have not, the tales of our Pathfinder campaign are coming to you starting September 1st. Part 1 is already out to Patrons but you all will see it from Untamed Scribe on the 1st of each month, just a few weeks after Patrons get it. It is already turning out to be a great read and I can't wait to see what you guys think!

Next week I will have a lot more here for you so stay tuned!

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