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Monday, August 15, 2016

Kickstarters, New Games, And Incoming Tales

Hey everyone! Once again there is plenty to cover from the last week. Today I have a couple of Kickstarter campaigns that I have my eye on, some new stuff coming out to add to your collections, and some more updates for things around here.

Kickstarters You Need To Check Out!

The first campaign you may want to take a look at is the new Worldographer. I have mentioned Hexographer as a mapping program for your RPG needs, and the good people over at Inkwell Ideas have decided to kick it up a notch. Head over here to check out the Kickstarter. After 7 years with Hexographer, they are trying to improve upon the program and create an even more useful tool. The new Worldographer will be able to integrate more details into your map, as well as multiple levels of mapping integrated together. On top of that there will be mini-generators for details on things like cities and ruins. If you are interested there are a few backer levels, some of which even include a download of the current Hexographer. And, if that doesn't sell you, they have a ling to a demo on the campaign's page!

The next campaign that I want to talk about is the type of thing I was hoping would show up. Last week, I mentioned Kobold Press' new Tome of Beasts for 5th Edition. This week, Nord Games has far exceeded their goal for releasing their own 5th addition monster supplement. Called Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde, you can check it out over here. What makes this an awesome project worth backing is not the horde of new monsters you will get out of it. Instead, you will be getting a horde of details, stat blocks, and ideas for classic enemies. From goblins to gnolls, you will get a host adversaries for you PCs to tackle. Added on top of this are a number of stretch goals, some of which have already been unlocked. Among those are beasts of the horde and tribe details for the different races. The next goal is racial stats to play these monsters, so be sure to head of and pledge your support!

Yet Another World To Play In

In case all the worlds created for D&D over the years weren't enough, or the worlds now being released with the OGL still aren't quite enough, Green Ronin has announced that Matthew Mercer's world from Critical Role, Exandria, is coming to 5th Edition source books near you. If you haven't been watching Critical Role, than you should understand that the world Mercer has created for his players over the last few years is an incredibly rich one. If you have been watching you know just how awesome this is going to be. You can find the press release here, but the key point is the Tal'Dorei book is already in the works and slated for a Spring 2017 release.

Death Isn't The End

This game caught my eye when it showed up over and over on my Twitter feed during GenCon.  Phoenix Dawn Command is a new RPG from Twogether Studios. What caught my eye about it, specifically was the giant, tarot sized deck of cards that comes with it. Apparently the RPG is deck-based, requiring sets of cards to be played in order to overcome the difficulty and complete a task. The artwork looks fantastic and there appears to be a rich world to dive into.  When you die, you're not dead forever. Instead, you come back and become stronger learning from your mistakes and adding more cards to your deck. There is a catch though, well two catches. First off, missions are often time sensitive. Die and you could fail. You don't just rise instantly from the place you were killed of course. Additionally, you only have the opportunity to come back 7 times before the end is final. The result is that you can be reckless to get things done, but how reckless is to reckless and is it worth the risk? Check out the game's site and learn more here.

Stories Need Telling....And Scheduling

This week, we have some fun stuff to talk about here at Notes of the Wandering Alchemist. First off, today marked the official beginning of a novelized rendition of the story of the campaign that we spent two years playing and will be continuing (hopefully soon). We played it in the Pathfinder RPG system, in a world of, mostly, my own design. Initially this was going to be written as minor journal entries, but the tale has taken a life of its own in Untamed Scribes hands. The result is that our first entry is around 5 pages long. If you are a patron at the preview level, you can go check that out and download the PDF right now. If you are not, it will be posted up here on the 1st of September. Given the length of the entries, you can expect to see a new one each month.  Preview patrons will see it on the 15th and the public will get it on the 1st of the following month.

In addition to that we have ever-more updates on Untamed Dice. If you have been following along on Twitter then you know why things have been late this bast few days. Games and time spent with visiting friends (one Aikos Lord of Cakes & Pastries, God of the Harvest and Brew).  Expect Brave New Worlds to come this week instead and D&Donuts shortly.  Also watch for that poll I mentioned as it will finally be going up tomorrow at some point.

Tomorrow I will also have a re-skinning article with some suggestions on re-flavoring things to make something unique. Wednesday i am going to try and squeeze in a new update as to my progress on the various projects I am working on and why some of those are taking longer than they should. Thursday will feature the regular Resources article. Friday will get you an update on the state of Untamed Dice games and our plans for recording, while Saturday will actually get you the episode (finally!).

Until next time!

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