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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Things To Come, Putting Out Fires, And New Games

This post is already a day late, and for that I apologize. Before we get into the couple things I wanted to talk about, which you may know more than me about at this point, I want to talk about what is going on around here. Despite all my previous claims to have fixed the internet at my house, the universe as seen fit to make sure that all of those are falsehoods. We have tried a power amp, removed it, replaced splitters, reduced cabling, and gotten a new gateway. At this point the intermittent problems have to be at the pole and it will likely be a challenge to get them out here. I have begun using my phone as a hot spot whenever it is down, so that solves one problem. The lack of options on my end solves to problem of that struggle taking up any more time. From here we can actually get back on track.

Well, soon. Despite all my goals and attempts to do so, the last weeks of August have flown by me and problems keep me behind. So, in all forwardness, with the start of the school year falling on Tuesday next week (both for work and the courses I am taking) there is the chance that something will be late before September 10th or so. Beyond that is a turning point in the season, at work, scheduling, everything. Needless to say, my life will become that much easier.

Until then there are some things you can look forward to though. Later today D&Donuts will FINALLY go up. There we some audio problems with the first half I can't do much about, but so goes this month. This evening you will also get the sequel to last week's Tuesday article. The responses I got from it last week were great and in strong agreement with my feelings and may be even more into the throwing optimization out than I am. I like conversations like that, even when they tell me I am wrong! Thursday you should get not just a resources article (for real this week) but you will definitely be getting the first chapter of our Pathfinder story. Untamed Scribe won't be posting it as we haven't set her up to do that yet, but I have it ready to go don't worry!

Next week we will see how things go, but I may be working a double on the holiday so, as of right now, there will be no news / updates post. The other regular posts should be fine. As for Untamed Dice, I apologize for missing last weeks episode, but it should be up this weekend. Hopefully I will manage one next weekend as well. Following that they should be back to a weekly release. But who knows maybe a black hole will appear in my basement. Now that you know what cosmic shenanigans are going on here, let's get a quick overview of some of the stuff I have been keeping an eye on!

New Games To Play

There are two big names I want to mention here. First is one that I have very little information about. Every time I try to learn more about it, the mysteries only deepen. I think that is the point though. If you have had the time it is likely you know more than I do. Perhaps you have even uncovered some of the secrets Monte Cook Games has for us. You can find more information about Invisible Sun here and check out the Kickstarter here. I am incredibly intrigued by this game, though I don't think we will be able to work out a Kickstarter pledge to get it. All the mysteries, secrets, layers of the universe, and Lovecraftian feelings about Invisible Sun make me really want to buy it. In many ways it reminds me of the way I felt when The Secret World first came out. Playing a game in a familiar, real world that is hiding just so much more is definitely something I am interested in!

The other game I wanted to through out there is one I had not heard about in a while, and one I never got a chance to look into. In fact, I still haven't though it is something I will be doing in the coming days/weeks. What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. is a game from EN Publishing that released this past week or so. It is a system that is toolkity oriented and drives three different games: fantasy, modern, futuristic. There is tons of information on it over here. I'll have more about this later once I check it out more!

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