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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Resources For Every GM: Cartography Part 3

Hello everyone! Sorry for this week's delay but I have been working out some things for Untamed Dice, the next Untamed Rant, and such. Today I have three more cartographer's resources for you, each covering different aspects of what you may need in your mapping needs. Whether it is tiles for battle maps, area maps, or region mapping these links should cover you.

Inkarnate: I love this tool. It is an incredible tool for those who have less time than they would like to practice and work out a hand-drawn continent or region map. The maps it can produce are fantastic looking, and appear drawn out. There a plenty of options for terrain colors and a good amount of options for icons to include on the map. Recently a feature was added that allowed you to upload your own images for use too. Once you are done with the map, which can be saved to your account to work on later, you can download it as a .jpeg to print out or share with your players. Best of all it is all browser based and no need to download any programs to use or access the tool. With some care and a little trial and error great maps can be produced for your campaign. The only problem, and it is a fairly minor one, is that once you use this tool you will easily be able to recognize other maps as having been made with it.

Heroic Maps: This website is one I found recently while trying to prep for my Roll20 D&D game. While the free resources that can be found using the in-app searches work fine, it can be time-consuming to figure out what works well and looks right together. There are plenty of people who make or have made tiles for things like Roll20, but I have found I like this one the best. There are a number of great locations and themes from which to choose from, the only problem you may find is in the necessity to purchase most of them. They do come in themed packs and/or layouts, however, and you can get them right at DriveThruRPG. A word of caution when using them for Roll20. They are BIG files, at least as far as uploading into your library is concerned. There are many you will have to open up and save as .jpegs to make them smaller files. Once this is done, though, you can upload them and resize them to match your grid (and they come with grided & gridless images!). This process what easy for my with photshop, but I imagine it should be just as easy with a free program like Gimp as well.

MSJ Maps: I have had this on my radar since the time I joined Twitter. There are some great area maps and even some tiles for you to take a look at, and the art style is fantastic! It is unique and distinctive with some awesome ideas for battle locations that can inspire your games on their own. I would definitely suggest following MSJ on Twitter and bookmarking his site. If you can also become a patron and reap the rewards of some truly amazing maps! I bet with a little work these too could be used on Roll20 or similar apps as well.

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