As the Twitter-verse knows, I decided to avoid both Twitter and Facebook this week. I also ended up avoiding working on very much too. In fact I focused mostly getting through the long work week (February vacation for kids woohoo) and relaxing a little bit. Stuff I wanted to get done, I knew I would and so I decided to just focus on what I could. Which ended up being mostly nothing, so I focused on reassessing how to go about these things. Part of this has been making lists, but I need to start adjudicating and prioritizing those lists. So that is what today's post is about. Why things aren't going to get done or when they are going to get done. How I am going to turn my ambitions here into directed productivity and not bursts of stuff and dead zones.
Luxarrah, Brave New Worlds, & One-shots
We are so far ahead on recording. We did this on purpose. I started a second long term campaign for the express purpose of Brave New Worlds being on hold for scheduling problems. I paused the release schedule to build up a backlog and get some one-shots rolling. That all has gone well. I figured I would be able to keep a regular editing schedule. That...hasn't quite worked out.
First of all, I have had some weeks where I just haven't been able to keep up, or editing has been pushed into a shorter time-frame instead of spread out over the course of the week as planned. Then of course my revamped Patreon goals and rewards change the approach of releases and edits. Getting sessions done for the release of the first episode takes a different approach and a change in planning. I'm learning constantly and some lessons come the hard way.
With PAX East coming up and editing behind, I can tell you the next couple weeks will be bumpy for Untamed Dice. But, I can also tell you I am committing to Luxarrah and Brave New Worlds as the mainstays, as well as regular one-shots. However, the Legend of Zelda One-shot adventure is going to take a long time. I went a little all out and we will end up doing it in mini-series with other one-shot games or adventures in between. All the while new Luxarrah (and BNW soon I hope) will also be released.
Before I will promise the smooth regularity of these shows though I want to get ahead and I want to smooth the bumps to editing. My editor friend would prefer smaller, shorter episode files. No problem, except I need to also make sure I get all of them from one session done....and reincorporate them into a Patron episode. It's an over-site that kind of just crept up as a problem as we got ahead and began changing methodology. As we figure things out I'll be sure to keep you all updated.
Home Games & Developing My Homebrew
Half the reason for this site was to share my homebrew worlds. With all the notes and ideas I have, there has been precious-little fleshing out. I need to get back to that and I need to get back to sharing it. I also want to play without trying to record it or without doing so for the purpose of recording it. I have plenty of players and plenty of ideas. I just need to work out running random sessions now and again just for the fun of it without the extra work of recording. As fun as it is, as easy as it is to add to the session, the weight of too much recording is becoming obvious. Recording energies must be applied to the above three things. Extra creative energies can be used for the good of random, messy, spur of the moment games.
The Site & Publications
I want to improve the site, and I know how I want to do it. This is going to happen sooner than I had intended and with purpose. Part of prioritizing my to-do lists is prioritizing my projects. I am already planning an organization scheme and will be getting help from a friend on some design improvements. Homebrew, regular article titles, and the podcast all have homes here and I would like to make things a little nicer and a lot more robustly filled out (looking at you homebrew wasteland).
As for publications, those keep getting back-burnered. Part of it was computer troubles and then settings re-adjustment. Part of it was re-committing myself to what I wanted to do. Of course a big part, I now realize is the simple need to go back and update my current PDFs and make them look a little nicer. Simple things like a better blocking for the monster stat-blocks and a logo / name that goes with but isn't my blog logo. I also want a better looking page to showcase and link them on my site.
Other Projects
Another thing that has been half neglected and half taking time away from personal ones are two projects I am working on with others. One is a board game that is halfway to a handmade test version. The other is a digital product that is 2/3 -ish to the way to finalization stages. I am very excited for both but my efforts have been scattered. Sometimes I get lots done on those and things here slide a bit. Sometimes the other way around. I am finding a balance and assessing why this happens. That was part of my week of. Thought, digestion, learning. Continuing not to just move forward but to grow.
Essentially, what I want to say is that my slow momentum has worked and I have been building speed, but it is a snowball turning into an avalanche. I need to make that momentum fit another analogy and grab the reigns on whats up. I have figured out some ways to do this and will be doing it in practice now. There is always room for improvement and sometimes the best way of regaining control is to ignore something for a week if you have the chance. I did, and I took it.
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