***In case anyone missed it we have moved to a new location. Some of you may still be finding yourselves here through one old link or another. If you do, head on over to www.thewanderingalchemist.com and see what our new site looks like!***

Friday, February 19, 2016

Episode Six of Untamed Dice & Brave New Worlds Is Here!

Hello every one, the day is finally here!  Episode one of Brave New Worlds is finally up!  In case you missed it we also have a couple of changes to things.  First off the podcast's name has been changed to Untamed Dice, so that you can be sure that when I say there is a new episode of Brave New Worlds you can be sure that it is a new episode of this campaign and not something else.  Additionally we are up on iTunes!  If you click on the Untamed Dice tab above, you will not only find the link to that but pages with our various playlists so that you can ask them from here.

In addition to this I have a few more things to share, some of it you'll hear on the podcast.  First we have worked out a bunch of the kinks getting set up with the equipment we have.  I just want to apologize again for some of the sounds you'll still catch.  A plane or two flying overhead, a cat trying to take a nap on my notes, and a dog becoming whiny or thumping as he scratches.  I have done what I can, but some will be unavoidable in our current state.  There are also a couple favors I want to ask of those of you listening.  First, share this if you enjoy it.  Let your friends know and send them a link!  If you are on iTunes, or can take the moment, give us a review.  I would prefer good ones, of course, but if you have any constructive criticism or problems use the link to your right and shoot me an e-mail.  Finally, if you have the desire to be even more helpful head over to our Patreon page and become a patron.  And if you do or are thinking about it, rest assured I am planning a few rewards including a patrons only podcast each month.


  1. I just started listening to your podcast of Brave New Worlds today. So far I'm on episode 6 and liking what I hear.
    I do have a question, what books did you use when creating the characters? In particular, Delilah.

    1. Glad you like it! We played using savage worlds. Core book was used for most stuff. The good doctor uses Slipstream and Delilah uses a Wonderland supplement by Triple Ace Games.

    2. Thanks!
      I thought Wonderland No More was being used! I love the food magic in that setting. I hope you aren't done with this campaign. I'm looking forward to more episodes.

    3. I'm hoping to get back to it again in a month or so. Hopefully the remaining episodes and other games can keep you until then!
