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Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Cleaning, The Weather, Cartography

Happy Monday everyone.  This week, in celebration of the spring snow we are getting (re: sarcasm), I am going to do a little spring cleaning.  Mostly this just means making sure the playlists and page links are up to date.  I will also be adding some more links to other pages like the D&D Blog feed, places to find Untamed Dice, and the like.  I also want to fix up the homebrew section a bit in order to begin adding some information about places like Luxarrah.

What does this mean for the week's articles.  Not much.  Tomorrow I am going to tackle weather in games.  Wednesday will, of course, have a couple more gods and some tidying.  Thursday will be another resources article.  I am hoping to have a few cartography resources for this one.  Finally Friday will still include a new episode of Brave New Worlds.

Oh!  Last month, thanks to all of you, page hits went up again.  I am hoping to continue the trend, but I also want to reign in what and when I share the pages.  I am sure many of you see multiple shares among some of the RPG and RPG Blogger communities on G+ and I want to be less liberal with the shares to avoid over saturation.  Especially now that there seems to be regular viewings.  Anyways, thanks to all you readers out there, and thanks to those who put up with seeing one of my new posts 3-5 times if you're in a lot of communities.

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