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People Of Atlazan

Aeq’or.  The aeq’or are a hardy, stout seafaring folk.  They live upon the shore and are often out to sea.  The sea aeq’or have whitish feathers and large orange bills, looking like pelicans.  The shore aeq’or have black feathers with patterns of white on their front, with stout orange and yellow beaks, looking like puffins.  Common classes: mariner, swashbuckler, valor bards, ranger, warden.

Archeon.  The archeons are a calm and industrious people.  The new race lives together forming businesses, families, and traditions.  Meditation is important and self improvement a must.  They are tall and thin, a light frame housing a powerful creature.  They have a reptilian build, including tail, but their maw ends with a protruding beak and their head and back feathers are often decorated or arranged.  Common classes: cleric, monk, sorcerer, awakened mystic, invoker.

Corvid.   The corvid are an eccentric and industrious lot, constantly tinkering with tools and spells.  The dawnchasers have dark black feathers, with some white patterns, looking much like ravens and magpies.  The Duskwalkers are bright blue feathered with white and black patterns, looking like a blue-jay.  Common classes: sorcerer, warlock, wizard, occultist, technomancer, artificer.

Kala’kai.  The kala’kai are merchants and businessmen first and foremost.  They have the deepest reverence for nature and weather.  They are short, wide, and strong.  Their skin is smooth and there are mixed patterns of blacks, greys, and whites, much like the skates and stingrays of the oceans.  Males have large flaps of flesh that hang over their lower lips much like a manta-ray, that are often decorated and mustache-like.  Common classes: mariner, swashbuckler, bard, druid, warden, sorcerer.

Kobold.  Kobolds are small, slim, and sneaky.  Their reptilian bodies are always poised as if ready for something.  Great at picking up new tricks and learning new things .  Often overlooked, they take this as an advantage.  Scales vary in color, often reddish or brown, but occasionally they are born with bright dragon colored scales.  Common classes: ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock, artificer.

Kolibri.  Kolibri are wandering gypsies, constantly on the lookout for new experiences.  A superstitious lot, they often warn against many things and have odd habits to those unfamiliar with their ways.  Scrub kolibri have mottled brown feathers and a sharp, straight beak, like road runners.  Wood kolibri vary between bright green and dull olive with longer, thin beaks, like a hummingbird.  Common classes: occultist, warlock, druid, ranger.

Magar.  Magar are brutish and hardworking, but this belies a deep intelligence and respect for nature.  Their society is based on the hardship of nature and understanding life is difficult.  They stand wide and primal, with large thick scales.  They have large maws with sharp teeth and thick tails, like crocodiles.  Common classes: warden, barbarian, druid, fighter, ranger, invoker.

Ptak.  A seeming mix of all the cultures, the ptaku are the most varied of all the feathered-folk.  Nothing is really common among them, though looks and tendencies lean certain ways within small regions.  They can be of varied builds and colors often looking anywhere from macaws and parakeets to chickadees and bluebirds.

Rybarik.  The rybarik are a wild people, but self-imposed.  They lead a wandering life and forsake much of the comforts of civilization.  They do however have access to the tools and comforts of modern life, but often only use them in emergencies.  Honor and competition rate highly among them.  They are powerfully built, and their heads are large, often making them seem to have no neck, like a kingfisher.  Common classes: barbarian, warden, ranger, fighter, invoker.

Tellura.  The tellura are regal and long lived.  They are quite disciplined and patient.  Often having leadership roles, they know much about history and religion, and can often be found at power within any settlement.  Solar tellura are patterned browns and whites with vicious beaks, like raptors.  Lunar tellura are covered in patterned greys and browns, with similar but stouter beaks, like owls.  Common classes: cleric, invoker, fighter, samurai, bard, wizard.

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